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Over 40 Years of Experience
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Fully Insured, Unrivalled Repair

Mendabath Sustainability

COVID 19 has had a huge impact all around the World. The biggest public health crisis in a century has so far caused untold damage to communities, families, and businesses across the globe. But, it has also given us the chance to re-evaluate; our work / life balance, how society values the ‘key’ workers who keep our towns and cities running, and perhaps most importantly how we as a species affect our planet.

It will be many years before we know the true cost of Covid-19, but it’s fair to say that for a period at least, there was a silver lining. Such a drastic drop in human activity gave way to a temporary state of calmness in our environment. Cities around the World that were normally blanketed in smog cleared. Hidden mountain ranges emerged like monuments from decades of gloom, and wildlife flourished

The earth breathed, and for a brief minute forgot about the harm our species is doing to it.

At Mendabath UK we are committed to providing not just the best service possible delivered by professional technicians to our customers, but doing so in the most eco-friendly, responsible, and sustainable way possible.

Our exclusive proprietary materials are isocyanate free which are the carcinogenic chemicals associated with other resurfacing materials.  Our materials are manufactured with synthetic based products and thus there are zero components derived from animals, making our materials vegan friendly too.  Our technicians are fully trained on Health and Safety making sure we take the welfare of our technicians, clients, the general public and environment into commiseration with the decisions we make at all levels in our business.

Sustainability is a choice.

When you choose to repair or resurface your bath, you are choosing the most sustainable option over replacement. Whatever material your bath is made from if you choose to replace it, there will be an environmental cost.  Whether it is the cost of manufacturing the new bath, logistics to deliver the bath, or the cost of the old bath being removed and hopefully recycled but more likely ending up in landfill, it is still a cost to the environment.  Conversely, when you resurface or repair your bath, there is comparatively little cost to the environment. There is also the added advantage that the economic cost is drastically reduced when you choose to repair instead of replace.

Mendabath, as a business, was born from the desire to cut down on waste. Our founders were convinced that bathtubs with cosmetic damage were still of value and restoration is preferable to replacement.  In fact, that was one of our original strap lines which we still use today: ‘Restore don’t replace’.  We have spent over 40 years ensuring that our materials continue to be as eco-friendly as possible.

Let us all start making more responsible choices in our lives helping to reduce the human burden on the planet and leaving our world in a better place than what we found it in for the next generation.   If that is choosing a plant-based diet, walking to work, reducing single use plastic use or even